Our House Building Adventure

We bought 3 acres of raw land in Wyoming... started clearing it... dug the basement... poured cement... and started framing!

This blog details our house building adventure... building our new home... ourselves!

Friday, April 29, 2005

We're back at it again...

It's so time to get going again!!!!

So... last week we were down the property measuring and measuring... deciding where the marks should go... because the next step is to put up the forms for the basement walls!

Got all the marking done (in pencil)... then it rained and snowed for 4 days... markings all gone!

The snow has melted... the winds have calmed down... clear skies...

Back we go to redo the measuring and marking... in permanent marker this time. Also put down the chalk lines... may have to redo that again.

OK... now to pray for less wind so that we can get the forms together for the basement walls.

More later!

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